Category: <span>Pedagogical Development</span>

Category: Pedagogical Development

Over-Bridging the gap from school to working life with creative talent

The Masterpiece-project that is running on all levels in the school system of France aiming to put achieved knowledge of theory and talent into practice. It allows the learner to express her talents related to her future job. As the project forms a bridge between school and working life. Another …

Removing National tests and introduces Coding in School

Removing National tests After some pilot projects on future assessments in school, the Danish Government is now planning to approve of removing national tests. With the goal to completely remove national tests on the lowest levels in primary school. Ten municipalities Aarhus, Albertslund, Esbjerg, Frederikssund, Hvidovre, Kerteminde, Næstved, Randers, Sønderborg …

AR and VR added to doctoral student’s skills development

The University of Rochester is launching a new initiative to apply augmented and virtual reality to doctoral education. Where the focus is directed on health, education, product design, remote communication, entertainment, and other fields. 62 doctoral students are to be trained in the skills needed to advance AR/VR technologies. With …

Universities as an empowering source of integrating refugees

Currently, 456 volunteer students initiatives at 137 universities are active in Germany in the Refugee Welcome program. The initiative was launched in 2015 and is financed annually by the Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with more than four million euros. Last year alone nearly 30 000 refugees benefited from …

Computer Science for all K-12 Students – New York City shows the way

Hundreds of teachers in New York attended further training in Computer Science in August at the CS Institute in its CS4All-initiative. So far 1900 teachers from 800 schools have received training since the launch 2015. As a result in the 2018-19 school year, 160 000 New York City students learned …

Social and emotional learning to develop Five crucial skills

Professor Mark Greenberg at Penn State University identifies three reasons to integrate social and emotional learning (SEL) in schools in an article in the special issue of the journal The Future of Children: “First, schools are ideal sites for interventions with children. Second, school-based SEL programs can improve students’ competence, enhance …