Over-Bridging the gap from school to working life with creative talent

Over-Bridging the gap from school to working life with creative talent

The Masterpiece-projectOver-Bridging The Gap From School To Working Life With Creative Talent that is running on all levels in the school system of France aiming toÖverbrygga Klyftan Från Skolan Till Arbetslivet Med Kreativ Talang put achieved knowledge of theory and talent into practice. It allows the learner to express her talents related to her future job. As the project forms a bridge between school and working life. Another purpose of Masterpiece is to offer a window for the learner to show and enhance her skills. Especially, as such a hands-on, learning by doing-project is managed over the borders of several different subject-fields. The masterpiece-project is available for all CAP or vocational baccalaureate students, apprentices or school-children in France. 

A Masterpiece from school to working life

A Masterpiece could mean many different forms of projects like e.g. the design and production of a finished product (wood, metal, paper, fabric, etc.), a text, newspaper, an Internet site, a movie, creative boards or trends, the organization of a cultural or sporting event, event, an exhibition or creating a virtual company. In other words, an achievement, material or immaterial, that the learner can show a future employer and the rest of the world. It could be run in collaboration with others or as a personal project. While the main purpose is to express individual talents related to future jobs and achieve excellent results. For more information about Masterpiece see below:


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