In our Swedish edition, we have published a series of stories about book publishing as a source of transformation both at the birth of the industrial society and now in pioneering years of the digital society. In the former transformation the focus of our stories was directed on two protagonists in Sweden during the first half of the 19th Century, the publisher and freedom of expression advocate, Lars Johan Hierta, and the publisher and author Karl Kullberg. B-InteraQtive Publishing has published new editions of some of their books (in Swedish) during the past two years. Their work is very interesting from a historical perspective. At the same time as it gives great inspiration and guidance to the transformation, we are now experiences.
The Renaissance of the Book
The printed book is by no means dead. But the development of the book market today takes place in digital formats. Where the first generation can be seen as consisting of audiobooks and simpler interactive learning material that first was distributed on tape later on CD. The second generation was developed in connection with the growth of the web, where the distribution of books improved radically. However, both audiobooks and text-based ebooks were still digital copies of its more physical predecessors. This despite the fact that the technology offered so much more opportunities and can be significantly more activating. Since reading and listening can be complemented with integrated hand-held activities with the possibility of advanced feedback. In other words, the third generation digital books work not only as a source of inspiration and knowledge development. But also allows for the hands-on development of skills and creativity.
Making Use of tech
It was in this spirit that we began to develop the Storyteller On eLearningworld (SOE) platform to produce interaQtive books. SOE includes the ability to include mechanisms for gamification as well as interactive modules where direct feedback not just as previously only can be applied to answers to simple multiple-choice questions etc. But also on stories and articles among many other things. Interactive videos, oral answers to oral questions from the interaQtive book with feedback, and image-centred activities are also available among many other things. With this very short introduction, the new generation of digital books is a format for directly developing different skills and creativity. Where its interactive dialogue and diagnostic approach creates significant added value in comparison to previous generations of digital books. It’s a renaissance of the book! Read more about Storyteller PublishingLab and Storyteller for Business
Written by
LarsGoran Bostrom©
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