Latest News: Trending – Design Thinking brings empathy and flexibility to work  

Latest News: Trending – Design Thinking brings empathy and flexibility to work  

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Design finding its way to the core of business organizations as a source of transformation, but the development does not concern aesthetics. Instead, it changes the way people work as response to new market realities and the force of digitization. Jon Kolko, founder and director of Austin Center for Design, explains in Harvard Business Review the progressive outcome of design thinking. Empathy is one of the main driving-forces of design thinking where focus is set on users’ experiences, especially their emotional ones. Another is the use of a work-method with a discipline of prototyping where the prospects of failure is calculated in a trial and error mood. In general design thinking transforms the organization into an interactive (both with technology and humans) and developing flexible organizational culture in contrast to the machine thinking of the Industrial age. We will come back to this subject in this week’s eLearningworld Weekly Review. Source: Harvard Business Review

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