eLearningworld News from Finland and Sweden
In the Doctoral Thesis “The Subtle Inequality – On Schools’ Material Conditions and Students’ Learning Opportunities” Pär Isling Poromaa at the Umeå University shows that there are considerable differences in access to learning tools in Swedish schools. At the same time as the level of access to learning tools have significant impact on the pupils results. There is also a correlation between the level of learning tools and the level of education the parents of the pupils have; the higher level of education, the more qualitative learning tools in school. In Finland that is one step higher than Sweden on the ladder of school digitization teachers are complaining about the slow integration of digital tools in the education. Reports from the Finnish Ministry of Education and the Finnish Teacher Union gives support to this view. 70% of the teachers are positive to use digital learning tools and want to use it more in the education. But more teacher-training is required in order to reach the goals of the Finnish government’s project to digitize the primary school. From this prerequisite €50 million will be invested in teacher-training for further digital integration. Source: forskning.se and yle.fi
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