Germany is adopting a new strategy for vocational training and at the same time forming a foundation for a new learning culture. The engine for this consists of a collaboration between the Federal Government, business, trade unions and the Federal Employment Agency. At the launch in Berlin of the strategy Anja Karliczek, Federal Minister for Education and Research, said the following:
“The idea of the National training strategy is a milestone for vocational training in Germany. We want to develop a real training culture in Germany. Where continuing vocational training must be part of the everyday work in the future … The training must be designed so that it does not overwhelm the employees, but motivates them. So we will, among other things, in an innovation competition “Digital platform Professional Education” develop modular interactive learning platforms that allow low-threshold access to lifelong training opportunities.”
Strategy for vocational training
The focus of the structural change is to make the training successfully designed for each and every individual as well as for the economy and the society as a whole. Where vocational education is being integrated as a natural part of life. People with below-average participation in training should receive special support. This also includes small and medium enterprises that do not have large HR departments to develop training concepts.
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