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Search Results for: work skills

Learning skills – Human Brainpower versus Artificial Intelligence

Learning to speak a new language brings health benefits and in addition. We could be predisposed to speak more than one language, new research suggests. In this spirit, multilingualism has shown to have social, psychological and lifestyle advantages as well as direct health benefits like faster recovery from a stroke …

Over-Bridging the gap from school to working life with creative talent

The Masterpiece-project that is running on all levels in the school system of France aiming to put achieved knowledge of theory and talent into practice. It allows the learner to express her talents related to her future job. As the project forms a bridge between school and working life. Another …

Eye-Tracking for skills development with VR-Analytics

What happens if you combine eye-tracking, VR and analytics? The answer is that you get an environment to monitor what drives human attention. This is performed across an unlimited number of hypothetical scenarios. This includes areas like improving marketing. Where e.g. a retailer that quickly can optimize a store design …

The most workable driving force for learning

Ty Hollett, assistant professor of learning, design and technology in Penn State’s College of Education recorded youth action-sports participants. To get a better understanding of how they learn and the driving force for learning. The total material includes 200 hours of video-recordings from a skateboard-camp. Driving-force for learning The results …

Social and emotional learning to develop Five crucial skills

Professor Mark Greenberg at Penn State University identifies three reasons to integrate social and emotional learning (SEL) in schools in an article in the special issue of the journal The Future of Children: “First, schools are ideal sites for interventions with children. Second, school-based SEL programs can improve students’ competence, enhance …

New Strategy to improve Foreign Language skills in Denmark

eLearningworld News The working life of the digital age requires extended language skills. The continual integration of the EU Single Market is boosting these demands from the business world. To meet these demands the Danish Government now is launching a new strategy to improve multi-language skills besides English on all …