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Latest News: “All schools should transform into Academies”

eLearningworld News from UK UK Prime Minister David Cameron announced a new direction and structure of the whole school-system in order to improve the performance. He said that power should be in the hands of headteachers and teachers, not bureaucrats. This will be made possible by transforming the traditional structure …

Latest News: Businesses use of eBooks are growing, survey shows

eLearningworld News from UK A survey from the research company FreePint shows that businesses use of eBooks is now growing dramatically after a slow start. 35% of the respondents announced a significant increase of use during the past two years. At the same as 40% of respondents predict a significant …

Latest News: New School teaching the Art of Disobedience

eLearningworld News from Finland The Finnish Museum of Modern Art is opening the School of Disobedience in September. The learning environment consists of a programme to teach young people to become social activists. The founder of the school is controversial artist Janni Leinonen that has invited a crowd of cultural …

Latest News: Indian universities producing CEOs for largest Western companies

eLearningworld News from India What has Microsoft, Nokia, Mastercard and Pepsi in common? The answer is that they are all run by people with degrees from Indian Universities. For instance, Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft and Rajeev Suri, CEO of Nokia have both degrees from Manipal Institute of Technology. Now …

Latest News: Curriculum too focused on textbook on behalf of edtech-usage

eLearningworld News from India A nationwide survey from Central Square Foundation in India with 1110 teachers shows that 70% of the respondents are using edtech in class. Mostly edtech is used to show videos or practice skills. 75% of the teachers claimed that poor adaption of curriculum to edtech-resources was …

Latest News: Bachelor’s degree as likely as any lower level education to lead to lifelong learning

eLearningworld News from US A survey from Gallup shows that only Postgraduates is more likely to attend a LifeLong Learning-approach in comparison to all lower levels of education. Despite the universities aim on promoting a lifelong learning-approach to the student, not even on the Bachelor-degree-level there seems to generate more …

Latest News: Poland goes to European Court of Justice over VAT on eBooks

eLearningworld News from Poland Polish judges from the Constitutional Tribunal claims that the rule of “tax neutrality” that rejects different taxes on the same product may be applicable on the different VAT-levels of printed books (5%) and ebooks (23%) in Poland. The Polish Constitutional Tribunal thereby has asked this case …