Interactive Content Marketing for a new decade

Interactive Content Marketing for a new decade

Interactive Content Marketing For A New DecadeMore than a year ago we published four short stories about interactive Interaktiv Innehållsmarknadsföring För Ett Nytt Decenniumcontent marketing were published in a series of five. However, the fifth story that was set to be a review of effective content marketing tools and services was never published. Since after exploring and testing several, no one seemed to meet our expectations. Instead, we turned the criteria for the evaluation into practice. Now we have launched content marketing services for the new decade. Where the service Interactive Stories in our knowledgeable environment is taking the engaging interactivity with potential and existing customers to the next level.

Engagement with dynamic content

The fourth trend identified in the series of content marketing stories mentioned above is introducing this service. This means dynamic content that adapts to the audience on an individual basis. As it includes interactivity as an invitation for the viewer to become a collaborator or player. The concept makes the marketing go from one-way-broadcasting to involvement, interaction and co-creation. With digital technologies, the possibilities are endless for the content marketer. This includes different forms of gamification, games, personal design, interactive video etc. Where the gain for the audience besides boosted engagement can be discounts or other personal or organisational benefits. While the app or interactive book besides the engaging mechanisms is promoting the brand and extend knowledge about its products and services. Storyteller for Business is here!

Design thinking and the 6iModel

The 6iModel that is presented in the book “Learning Design in Practice for Everybody” by the founder of eLearningworld, LarsGoran Bostrom, is basically a design thinking approach with the focus on improving projects with creativity as the driving force. And this model is the foundation of our work process besides the collaboration with You as the client. Besides interactive storytelling in apps or interactive books, Storyteller for Business also includes more “traditional” content marketing services, here on and .se etc.

Trend 1 of 5 Collaborative Content Marketing

Trend 2 of 5 Design thinking to target people and their needs

Trend 3 of 5 Focus on long-term to find the right spots

Trend 4 of 5 Engagement with dynamic content

Trend 5 of 5 Interactive Content Marketing


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