Benefits of learning to code at old adult age

Benefits of learning to code at old adult age

Benefits Of Learning To Code At Old Adult AgeA research study on people of the age of 60+ that are learning to Fördelar Med Att Lära Sig Att Koda I Åldern 60+code has been published by the cognitive scientist, Philip Guo at the University of California, San Diego. It is based on a survey that included 504 users of between the ages of 60 and 85 from 52 different countries. The results show on what motivated older adults to learn coding was both age-related and non-age-related reasons.

Benefits of learning to code

In concern of the former 22% claimed they want to make up for missed opportunities during youth. While 19 per cent wants to keep their brains “challenged, fresh and sharp” as they age. 14% mentioned to include seeking continuing education for a current job. And 9% wants to improve future job prospects, these relate to reasons not related to age. 19% claimed that they were planning a specific hobby project within the field. While 8% wanted to learn to teach others to code. Bad pedagogy and lack of real-world relevance were two of the main problems with the education. Assistant professor Guo comments:

“At one time, 1000 years ago, most people didn’t read or write – just some monks and select professionals could do it. I think in the future people will need to read and write in computer language as well. In the meantime, more could benefit from learning how to code.”


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