Keys to build a tech-friendly Work Environment – according to a new survey

Keys to build a tech-friendly Work Environment – according to a new survey

Keys To Build A Tech-Friendly Work Environment - According To A New SurveyA new Gallup/Northeastern University study shows that 73 Nycklar Till Att Bygga En Teknikvänlig Arbetsmiljö - Enligt En Ny Undersökningpercent of U.S. workers say artificial intelligence will eliminate more jobs than it creates. This should be seen in the light of that 47% of jobs in the U.S. today are at risk of being replaced within the next 20 years. At the same time the respondents on questions on the demand of their own qualifications in concern of digitization. 52% in France, 43% in Germany, 37% in Spain and 30% in the U.K meant the demand would increase. The key term for the analysis is the level of agility within the workplace.

Build a tech-friendly work environment

In a follow-up study with business leaders in 9500 companies in the US and Europe Gallup found that agile companies have eight qualities. Where one of these is to adopt new technologies. To create an agile culture to the researchers identified six keys. This includes being customer-centric by using technology that creates revenue and boosts sales. Secondly, this requires simple easy-to-use technology, that thirdly, also includes working for a positive curious attitude to tech. The following keys concerns creating incentives for learning and inspiration to use tech. Click here for digitization consult services | digital learning environment solutions


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