Tag: <span>coding</span>

Tag: coding

5C preparing kids for a future digital professional life

“Einfach Digital – Zukunftskompetenze fir staark Kanner” is a new initiative from the Luxembourg Minister of Education, Children and Youth, Claude Meisch. The focus is to provide a series of measures to empower 21th century skills for the new generations. As the future society will be increasingly more digital than …

Removing National tests and introduces Coding in School

Removing National tests After some pilot projects on future assessments in school, the Danish Government is now planning to approve of removing national tests. With the goal to completely remove national tests on the lowest levels in primary school. Ten municipalities Aarhus, Albertslund, Esbjerg, Frederikssund, Hvidovre, Kerteminde, Næstved, Randers, Sønderborg …

Great success for project to learn to code in school – 65 000 pupils gets microcomputers

eLearningworld News Only a month after the launch of the project Ultra:bit a third of all schools, in total 703, in Denmark has registered to participate. The focus of Ultra:bit is to form a platform for pupils to learn to code among other things where a minicomputer is delivered to …

The demand for teacher training increases when education turns digital

eLearningworld News 10 000 teachers in Norway applied for further teacher training 2018, which is 600 more than the year before. The focus on the applications is to meet the new requirements of mathematics and language in the new Norwegian curriculum. At the same time as new courses in programming …

Connecting to the digital age requirements – More coding and tech in Norwegian schools

eLearningworld News Coding and use of technology in general will be implemented in the whole school system (from 6 years old), according to the Norwegian Government’s new digitization strategy that was presented August 25. The Prime Minister Erna Solberg comments the event in the following way: “This week over 60 …

Talent Management building bridges to the working life in Germany

eLearningworld News The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) launches two new projects to promote education for young people in small and micro enterprises and a competition of digital talent open for all students. The first is a part of the training structure program JOBSTARTER plus where the …

Latest News: Kids in Finland want a robot to help them with their homework

eLearningworld News from Finland From this term, coding is a part of the general curriculum in Finnish schools. Besides improving problem-solving skills and logic thinking, this is giving the pupils new ideas of how to use technology to improve learning. The Finnish TV-station YLE is reporting from Pargas that the …