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Search Results for: work skills

AI Deep Learning vs. Human Deep Learning: A Tale of Two Approaches

Listen to the story {Play} In the realm of knowledge acquisition, two distinct yet complementary processes have emerged: AI deep learning and human deep learning. While both involve acquiring and processing information, they differ significantly in their source materials and the impact they have on our understanding. AI Deep Learning: …

Training Reading Comprehension on Computer Screens: A Review of Research and Implications for Education

Listen to the research report {Play} The shift from printed to digital text formats has significant implications for society. One implication is that it has made information more accessible and widely available. This has democratised access to knowledge and has the potential to improve literacy rates and educational outcomes. However, …

OECD Releases New Report Highlighting Financial Literacy Challenges

Listen to the story {Play} OECD has released a new report that assesses financial literacy levels among adults in 39 countries and economies. The report found that, on average, only 34% of adults reached the minimum target score on financial competence, defined as scoring at least 70 out of 100 …

How to upgrade assessments to the digital society’s prerequisites

Listen to the story {Play} This paper is based on recent research about how to upgrade assessments in general to the digital society’s prerequisites and it is published in the aftermath of the PISA-results that was published December 5, 2023.  Introduction In the rapidly evolving world of the 21st century, …

Children who experience unpredictable childhoods are less likely to explore and learn, new research finds

Listen to the story {Play} A new study has found that children who experience unpredictable childhoods are less likely to explore and learn. The study found that children who perceived their environments as unpredictable were more likely to repeat previous choices, even when those choices yielded lower rewards. The researchers …

Minecraft Education: New Technology for the Classroom In Poland

Listen to the story {Play} Primary and secondary school students across Poland now have free access to Minecraft Education, an educational version of the popular video game. Minecraft Education allows students to learn through play, developing skills such as creativity, problem-solving, and systems thinking. “The Minecraft game places particular emphasis …

Emerging Technologies and Trends to Impact Education – New EU Commission report

Listen to the story {Play} A new report has identified a number of emerging technologies and trends that have the potential to significantly impact education in the coming years. The report, which was published by the European Commission, highlights the importance of regulating technological innovation to allow diverse educational visions …

Luxembourg to Focus on Digitality and Wellbeing in New Basic Education Plan

Listen to the story {Play} Luxembourg’s new basic education plan, which is scheduled to come into force in 2026, will focus on digitality and wellbeing. The plan, which was unveiled this week, is the result of a vast consultation process with stakeholders in the education system. The new plan is …