Tag: <span>skills development</span>

Tag: skills development

To Empower Your Performance by making it a self-fulfilling Prophesy

Listen to the story {Play} New research from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and University of California on how to empower your performance takes a mindful approach. The research team has looked into the possibilities to cause positive changes in cognitive functions by manipulating expectations. The study is focusing on long-term …

Over-Bridging the gap from school to working life with creative talent

The Masterpiece-project that is running on all levels in the school system of France aiming to put achieved knowledge of theory and talent into practice. It allows the learner to express her talents related to her future job. As the project forms a bridge between school and working life. Another …

Eye-Tracking for skills development with VR-Analytics

What happens if you combine eye-tracking, VR and analytics? The answer is that you get an environment to monitor what drives human attention. This is performed across an unlimited number of hypothetical scenarios. This includes areas like improving marketing. Where e.g. a retailer that quickly can optimize a store design …

Government investing in refining talent in school and university

The Danish government set to focus on the most talented pupils and students by directing funding to refine and develop their talent. The projects concern the whole formal educational system including primary school, secondary school and higher education. For the primary- and secondary school a national talent unit will be …

Great success for project to learn to code in school – 65 000 pupils gets microcomputers

eLearningworld News Only a month after the launch of the project Ultra:bit a third of all schools, in total 703, in Denmark has registered to participate. The focus of Ultra:bit is to form a platform for pupils to learn to code among other things where a minicomputer is delivered to …

The demand for teacher training increases when education turns digital

eLearningworld News 10 000 teachers in Norway applied for further teacher training 2018, which is 600 more than the year before. The focus on the applications is to meet the new requirements of mathematics and language in the new Norwegian curriculum. At the same time as new courses in programming …

Latest News: Department of Education launches beta-version of Apprenticeship Service

eLearningworld News from England Employers and training providers across England are getting the chance to test out the new digital apprenticeship service provided by the government. As part of the design process, around 400 employers and 200 training providers already have tested the system. The service is built to form …
