eLearningworld News from Germany
Germans see many benefits with more use of digital tools and services in school, this is the main results of a new survey on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). In this spirit 79 percent of respondents said that the increased use of digital technologies in education is indispensable in order to be prepared for the challenges of the 21st century, while 67 percent of respondents said to combine with digital technology in education gives more opportunities than risks, only 22 percent disagreed with this statement. Federal Minister of Education, Johanna Wanka comments: “Digital technologies are not only changing our everyday lives, but it involves a huge potential for education. Digital media can help, for example, to even more adapt learning to our individual needs and talents. The Future Monitor shows that citizens clearly are aware of the opportunities of digitization.” The Future Monitor is based on more than 1,000 personal interviews. Source: Deutsch Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung
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