5C preparing kids for a future digital professional life

5C preparing kids for a future digital professional life

5C Preparing Kids For A Future Digital Professional Life“Einfach Digital – Zukunftskompetenze fir staark Kanner” is a new 5K Förbereder Elever För Ett Framtida Digitalt Yrkeslivinitiative from the Luxembourg Minister of Education, Children and Youth, Claude Meisch. The focus is to provide a series of measures to empower 21th century skills for the new generations. As the future society will be increasingly more digital than today the school must prepare the kids as they are approaching professional life. Not only by providing digital skills, but also proper human skills, according to the description of the initiative.

5C for a future digital professional life

The skills in focus are the so-called 5C, which means:

  • critical thinking
  • creativity 
  • communication
  • collaboration
  • coding 

These skills will guide the educational policy in concern of digitization in Luxembourg. And with the right approach and pedagogy such digital skills development can be introduced even from the first years of primary school. At the launch of the Einfach Digital February 6, the Minister of Education said the following: 

“Tomorrow there will be two groups of people: those who program and those who risk being programmed; we want our students to belong to the first.”

Within the initiative “Family screens – Manage, educate and support”-campaign is included. This will be directed more particularly at parents. By encouraging knowledge and experimentation with digital technology. And at the same time not ignoring the risks of dependence, isolation, lack of sleep that threaten our children. The minister called for fewer digital tools in the bedrooms and more in the classrooms.


Learning Design – Pedagogy Of Coding &Amp; Media Literacy


For training and further training of teachers.

Interactivating pedagogy adapted to the digital society’s prerequisites and development.  

New book title is on the way in an interactive format!

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