Tag: <span>manufacturing</span>

Tag: manufacturing

Cost effective 3D-printing with up to ten materials

3D-printing is seen as one of the most vital technologies in building Industry 4.0. But still, the usefulness can be questioned since cost-effective 3D-printers only print one material at the time. This limits its scope of production dramatically. Even a more advanced 3D-printer that can manage three materials (cost around …

The design thinking process of building a drone for disaster-zones, MIT research

eLearningworld News Engineers at MIT have designed a drone that can work without interruption for more than five days. At the same time as it stays connected, and can continue gathering data as well as provide temporary telecommunication, even if it is in a disaster zone where communication-problems goes with …

Industry 4.0: Design simulation for a workable outcome in reality

eLearningworld News Individualized mass production is one of the promises of industry 4.0. However, it could be a staggering road to actually get a customer’s desired design to work in practice. The Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD in Darmstadt has developed the perfect bridge to effectively overcome this …

Latest News: Multiple-material 3-D-printing speed up transformation of manufacturing

eLearningworld News from US MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory is now launching “Foundry”, which is a system for custom-designing a variety of 3-D printed objects with multiple materials. This new technology is adding a new dimension to both designing and manufacturing as well as have great prospects of …