Latest News: Pedagogy for mathematics from Japan improve learning and engagement

Latest News: Pedagogy for mathematics from Japan improve learning and engagement

MathinjapaneLearningworld News from Sweden

Teachers of mathematics in Japan do not handle a new math-problem by showing the solution on the blackboard. Instead they are letting the students guess the answer by taking a non-authoritative role in the classroom. This is a much more active pedagogical approach that has proved to be very successful, which also Japan’s Pisa-results show. Yukiko Asami-Johansson, researcher at Gävle University College in Sweden now is working to show that this learning by doing approach to mathematics also work outside the Japan borders. The foundation of this method is based on that the teacher carefully selects problems that are well-adapted to the rest of the teaching-process. This is an approach that already in the planning of the lesson makes it possible to predict how the students will try to solve the task. In this way the students instead of a solution receive a challenge to their problem-solving ability, which underline the fact that there often is many ways to solve a problem. So besides learning math the pedagogical method is challenging the student’s entrepreneurial skills and boosts engagement. Source:

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