Job skills trends on performance, health and tech

Job skills trends on performance, health and tech

Job Skills Trends On Performance, Health And TechThe transformative forces of the technological revolution include a set of broader socio-economic, geopolitical, and demographic drivers of change. The interaction between the drivers creates developments in multiple directions where the interconnection in between makes them intensify one another even more. However, instead of focusing on jobs that will disappear and which new fields can come in its place, this trend analysis uses a design thinking approach. Such job skills trends mean that it starts from human skills and its development, its performance, human health, and what tech do to improve it even further. This perspective also underlines the fact that people will remain their organization’s most valuable asset.

Job skills trends

The new work environment described above includes that workers must process 30 times more information than 20 years ago, according to Carole Gaskell, founder of Full Potential Group. This should be seen in the light that without repetition 90 percent of everything you learned will be lost. One of the bridges to boost your performance from these prerequisites are neuro-agility. This means to make all brain-regions function as one integrated system. To use Gaskell’s words:

“Developing brain fitness in your people helps everyone to out-think, out-learn, out-create, and out-perform.”

These cross-functional skills include:
Social Skills » Coordinating with Others » Emotional Intelligence » Negotiation » Persuasion » Service Orientation » Training and Teaching Others

Systems Skills » Judgement and Decision-making » Systems Analysis

Complex Problem Solving Skills » Complex Problem Solving

Resource Management Skills » Management of Financial Resources » Management of Material Resources » People Management » Time Management

Technical Skills » Equipment Maintenance and Repair » Equipment Operation and Control » Programming » Quality Control » Technology and User Experience Design » Troubleshooting (source: WEF-report “Future of jobs”)

Forces to empower neuro-agility

But how can you improve these complex skills? The neuroscience-expert Dr André Vermeulen has identified the following six driving-forces to empower neuro-agility; brain fitness, stress-coping skills, sleep, movement, exercise, optimistic mindset, and nutrition. These forces have a positive effect e.g. on memory, cognition, and energy.

Written by
LarsGoran Bostrom©

Author of the book “Learning Design in Practice for Everybody” and the developer of Storyteller on eLearningworld (SOE) for integrated storytelling in interaQtive Books.

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