Impact of automation in Europe until 2030

Impact of automation in Europe until 2030

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New researchImpact Of Automation In Europe Until 2030 shows a significant impact of automation on the job market in the coming years in Europe. The research was directed on the percentage of employees with high risk of being replaced by robots and other AI-based automation technology until 2030. The research has been performed by Distrelec that is an online and catalogue distributor for electronics, automation, measurement technology, IT and accessories in Europe. 

The results show that within EU27 the decrease of work positions will be highest among farm workers and gardeners (-21,7% approx 167 483 less jobs in 2030), along with metal and machinery workers (-9,1% approx 101 230 less jobs in 2030) and other manufacturing (-10,5% approx. 73 661 less jobs in 2030). On the other hand, the forecast expects a growing amount of jobs with the highest in office professionals (+12,4% approx. 79 065 more jobs), researchers and engineers (+12,9% approx. 77 065 more jobs) and construction workers (+5,9% approx. 74 419 more jobs).

The research also shows that almost all parts of EU27 in general will have increased the number of jobs in 2030. The research is based on Cedefop data to find the employed population by sector and occupation across EU27 in 2020. Then researchers analysed and projected the growth until 2030 and calculated how many roles would be at risk by 2030, and then analysed the difference between 2020 and 2030 results. 

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