How skills training links to general intelligence Part 1

How skills training links to general intelligence Part 1

How Skills Training Links To General Intelligence Part 1In this first part the G-factor, meaning how skills training links to general intelligence is being explored from a research study from Cambridge University. In the second part, this will be connected to soft skills development and digital learning.

Most cognitive abilities are positively related to psychology research has found. This means that a person that has developed reasoning abilities also generally has better skills in e.g. vocabulary. This factor has been termed “G” or general intelligence, but how this underlying mechanism develops has remained in the shadows until now.

G-factor explored

To find out what the g-factor really is scientists from Cambridge University has performed a longitude study. Where 785 people, ages 14 to 24, were tested on two occasions approximately 1.5 years apart. The focus of the test was fluid reasoning abilities (solving abstract puzzles) and vocabulary (knowing the definitions of words). More for the G-factor

Skills training links to general intelligence

The result was published in the journal Psychological Science and the result shows that the “mutualism”-model is the best explanation, meaning that different skills help each other to improve more quickly. The researcher Rogier Kievit comments in the following way:

“General cognitive ability is strikingly predictive of various important life outcomes ranging from academic and professional success to mental and physical health and even longevity — to understand why this is so, we must better understand what this g-factor really is.”

Interactive books – an optimized environment for developing the G-factor

From this prerequisite, the most optimized environment for developing the G factor is one of the most ancient and at the same time dynamic formats. Namely, the book, and especially in its most modern texture the interactive book. Where each page or/and chapter can contain its very own dynamics to develop different skills. While the basic layout is well known. Read more about interaQtive books and the platform SOE PublishingLab

Written by
LarsGoran Bostrom©

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