Citizen Science as a driver of innovation – a pioneer showing the way

Citizen Science as a driver of innovation – a pioneer showing the way

Citizen Science As A Driver Of Innovation - A Pioneer Showing The Way As research from universities are getting more accessible and digital technologiesMedborgarvetenskap Som Drivkraft För Innovation – En Pionjär Visar Vägen are becoming a more productive tool. This also can form a foundation for a new dimension of science: Citizen Research or civil research. In this field, Germany is showing the way with the citizen research hub On the platform citizen’s can get involved in ongoing research projects and start new projects. Another vital part of the hub is conferences and other learning opportunities. The platform is a joint project by Science in Dialogue and the Museum of Natural History Berlin and funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Citizen Research Projects

There are many projects available on the platform to get involved in. Everything from SenseBox to build a weather and environmental monitoring station, a project that is adapted for kids. To Hush City that is based on an app where citizen help scientists to develop places with less noise within cities. To the project Media Doctor Citizen that is involving citizens in the research of environmental journalism with the Institute of Journalism, Technische Universität Dortmund. Besides the many projects to get involved in, it is also possible to start new projects.

Intersections for innovation

The platform works from this basis as a combination of opportunity, contribute to science and as an intersection, a creative hub, that is adapted for innovation. As Germany is pioneering the field of citizen science, other countries will hopefully follow in their tracks.


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