Blockchain technology impact on Education

Blockchain technology impact on Education

Blockchain Technology Impact On Education
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A report called “Blockchain in Education” from the European Commission shows the prospects blockchain technology impact on education and its potential to transform the field. The main conclusion is that:

“Blockchain technology can help improve old models of data management and bring benefits to learners and educational institutions in the EU – if policymakers are well prepared to embrace the change.”

Blockchain technology impact on Education

The last part is very important and should be seen in the light that the digitization of education in general within the EU today is on very different levels in the member states. The report shows three forces of transformation in using blockchain in education. For instance, real-time access to educational results and degrees for the student. This means as soon as the educational institution has approved the result with one click. Furthermore, it means less administration for the school. While the student instantly can use the educational results to apply for new courses or use in their CV. The data is available for any educational institution or employer to access instantly for confirmation.

Learning Design with blockchain

“Smart contracts” is another service that is improved using blockchain. This means a contract that automatically enacts an agreement if certain conditions are met. For instance when a student applies for financial aid for study. More areas of use and how the technology works you’ll find in the report mentioned above and also in “Learning Design in Practice for Everybody” where a section of the book focuses on how blockchain technology will impact the learning designers work in the future.

Written by
LarsGoran Bostrom©

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