Making Ancient History and Culture develop Higher Education

Making Ancient History and Culture develop Higher Education

Making Ancient History And Culture Develop Higher EducationWhere could be better to learn about European civilization than where itGrekland Använder Antikens Historia Och Kultur För Att Utveckla Högre Utbildning was born? In this spirit, the Greek government is planning to boost higher education in general with a special focus on foreign students. The ambitious plan includes that by 2024 50 000 foreign students should have studied classical literature, philosophy and ancient history at Greek universities. The language of the courses will be English. The Greek Minister of Education, Niki Kerameus, comments in the following way:

“During past years Greek universities have been inward-looking institutions. We want to internationalize them and render them a hub for (tertiary) education in southeast Europe.” 

In October, a four-year program in classical studies the Kapodistrian University of Athens targeting Chinese undergraduates is starting. The University of Crete could be next in line. Besides being an excellent source for developing the universities and improving their international ranking, the project is also a great marketing channel for Greece.

Source: The National Herald 

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