Lifelong learning journey nowadays – A vision for the future

Lifelong learning journey nowadays – A vision for the future

Lifelong Learning Journey Nowadays - A Vision For The Future

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The lifelong learning journey nowadays is a ride of autonomous learners. It is your intuition and demands that point out the direction. So, take up your learning portfolio, time to fill it with qualitative skills and knowledge, curiosity will lead the way. Just remember that engaging learning nowadays takes place on various platforms with different forms of media and in various forms of education. In such a complex learning environment, skills to identify qualitative resources of learning are necessary, which requires support tools and often guidance from mentors. While significance is the learners’ personal navigator, since it encourages learners to consciously expand the learning horizon without a strict curriculum. To use John Maxell’s words: 

“Once you’ve tasted significance, success never satisfies.”

While Leonardo Da Vinci adds:

“The intellect will always profit by
the acquisition of any knowledge
whatsoever, for thus what is
useless will be expelled from it,
and what is fruitful will remain.”

Curiosity should guide you wherever you go.

Empowering your Lifelong Learning Journey

Learning Design In Practice For Everybody
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The above  is quoted from the book Learning Design in Practice for Everybody by LarsGoran Bostrom, the founder of eLearningworld Europe AB that in this spirit developed SOE PublishingLab for interactive books. This is an empowered book format that offers the next generation of books. 

While the first 20 years of the 21st Century was devoted to improving the distribution in the form of streaming audiobooks and downloadable ebooks, the following decades will be directed on empowering the content with interactive features. With technologies like augmented reality, AI assistants, virtual reality, gamification and other advanced interactive features the opportunities are endless. This is a new renaissance for the book!

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Message from the founder of eLearningworld

We have now 1000 published stories on about learning, design, technology, entreprenurship and brain research etc. As our number of visitors continually increases we will develop the concept even further and looking for sponsors and other forms of collaborations to make it happen, contact us to become a part of this development. There is already a lot of ideas on the table and with your help this will be truly magic. More information about this will be published continually.

LarsGoran Bostrom, founder of eLearningworld Europe AB

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