Latest News: Cairo international book fair 2016 with small publishing houses in focus

Latest News: Cairo international book fair 2016 with small publishing houses in focus

Quote Paulo Freire2eLearningworld News from Egypt

In shades of orange Cairo international book fair is taking place from January 27, 2016 until February 10, 2016. Besides large publishing houses like Diwan and Noon, smaller publishing houses is expected to draw a lot of attention. Some of the most interesting book releases is “Fodool Al Qetta” (A Cat’s Curiosity) by well-know blogger and script writer Ghada Abdel Aal, about women’s freedom in society. It also interesting to note that with such an extraordinary rich history that Egypt has, that many publishing houses are releasing historical novels, e.g. Ahmed Fathy Soliman’s novel “Pharaohs’ Country”. Source: Daily News Egypt

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