Impact of business design – top executives insights and deficits

Impact of business design – top executives insights and deficits

Impact Of Business Design - Top Executives Insights And DeficitsWhy do not more companies integrate design as a core engine in theirEffekter Av Företagsdesign - Toppchefers Insikter Och Brister business? This is the main question in a new McKinsey report, which should be seen in the light of the result of another report on the impact of business design that shows that: 

“Companies that excel at design grow revenues and shareholder returns at nearly twice the rate of their industry peers.”

Sounds promising, but what are the obstacles? The first obstacle the authors of the report identify is the CEOs design leadership that includes three interconnected strategies:

  1. Embrace user-centric strategies
  2. Include the senior designer into the C-suite, CDO, Chief Design Officer
  3. Manufacture the user-data for the benefit of the brand and business design

Impact of business design

The report is based on interviews with 200 senior designers and 100 executives as well as analysis of the result of a survey with McKinsey Design Index (MDI) survey tool with 1700 respondents. And it shows that businesses, in general, lack both clarity of design leaders role and ambition within this field. This at the expense of revenue growth and shareholder return. The CEO of Logitech, Bracken Darrel, identify three stages for a business to accomplish such positive development from his own experience:

Stage 1: focusing on aesthetics and form
Stage 2: develop end-to-end user experiences
Stage 3: transforming the whole business as design becoming one of the core engines


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