Cybersecurity in Education – Ransomware attacks increasing

Cybersecurity in Education – Ransomware attacks increasing

Cybersecurity In Education - Ransomware Attacks Increasing

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A new report on cybersecurity in education from Sophos based on a survey from Vanson Bourne shows that educational organisations increasingly are targeted by ransomware attacks. Where cyber criminals demand ransom to restore the data and sometimes encrypt the educational organisations data. The report shows that 44% of the respondents within educational organisations were hit by ransomware last year, in which the attackers managed to encrypt the data in 58% of the cases.

Paying the ransom

35% of the attacked educational organisations paid the ransom with on average US$112 435. While the report also shows that only 68% of the data was restored for the ones that paid. In other words, that is also one of the conclusions of the report; paying the ransom should never be an option, for an educational organisation.

The survey is based on 499 respondents working with cybersecurity in educational organisations around the world.  And it includes comparisons of respondents from other fields like healthcare, retail, and government. In total 5400 responded to the survey.

Cybersecurity in Education – the cost and solutions

The total bill of a ransomware attack in the education field, considering downtime, people time, device cost, ransom paid, and more, was, on average, US$2.73 million. This is the highest across all fields surveyed. To avoid or at least decrease the impact of a ransom attack the following recommendations are put forward:

  1. Assume that you will be hit
  2. Make backups
  3. Deploy layered protection
  4. Combine human experts and anti-ransomware
  5. Never pay the ransom
  6. Have an antimalware recovery plan

Read the full report The State of Ransomware in Education 2021 here


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