Expert Group Urges School Exam Overhaul to Address ChatGPT and AI

Expert Group Urges School Exam Overhaul to Address ChatGPT and AI

Expert Group Urges School Exam Overhaul To Address Chatgpt And Ai

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An expert panel assembled to address the challenges posed by ChatGPT and other advanced AI tools has submitted urgent recommendations to the Danish Minister for Children and Education. The report calls for a significant shift in exam practices to ensure fairness and prioritise learning in the face of rapidly evolving digital aids.

The group emphasises the need for both exams with and without digital aids. This ensures students demonstrate fundamental skills while also developing the competence to use AI tools responsibly and thoughtfully.

“Students must learn to use artificial intelligence critically and constructively,” states Birgitte Vedersø, chairperson of the expert group. “This requires skilled teachers and the integration of technology into both teaching and exams. We need to focus on learning, not cheating, to ensure a reliable assessment of student abilities.”

The expert group also recommends increased flexibility for rapid updates to exam formats, enabling schools to stay ahead of technological advancements.

Minister for Children and Education Mattias Tesfaye agrees, stating, 

“Digital development is here to stay. This requires a re-examination of how we assess students. Teaching children and young people to use technology critically is an essential task for our education system. It must not be left to TikTok and tech giants alone. We need exams that can reliably test both with and without digital aids to ensure fairness and measure true independent knowledge and skills.”

Key Recommendations:

  • Two-Pronged Exam Approach: Prioritise learning by balancing exams with and without digital aids.
  • Continuous Development of Exam Formats: Enable rapid changes to stay ahead of technological advancements.
  • Digital Technology as a Strategic Focus: Schools must incorporate AI into daily teaching to connect learning with exams.

The expert group’s recommendations will be integrated into future exam development efforts, with trials of new test formats planned by the Norwegian Agency for Education and Quality.

About the Expert Group: Established in May 2023, the group was tasked with finding solutions to ensure fairness and prioritise learning in exams amidst the challenges posed by digital aids and artificial intelligence.

Written by 

LarsGoran Bostrom

Learning Designer and Data Ethics Consultant, as well as developer of SOE PublishingLab and founder of eLearningworld Europe AB

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