Latest News: The SETT Fair on Modern Swedish School Development expanding

Latest News: The SETT Fair on Modern Swedish School Development expanding

StudyeLearningworld News from Sweden

The yearly Sett Fair in Kista, Stockholm, is now expanding to Malmö. Since the beginning in 2012 the SETT Fair has increased its amount of exhibitors with 40 percent and at the same time doubled the amount of visitors. Since the demand increases rapidly in the Southern part of Sweden and the tickets to the Kista SETT Fair is sold out, the SETT Fair in Malmö, opening 27-28 October 2015 and is called SETT Syd. The focus will be on modern learning with many different themes, which will be produced in cooperation with the municipalities that want participate in the planning of the Fair. Source: Press Release from Artexis Easyfairs Group

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