eLearningworld News from Sweden
Strömbäck Community College in the northern part of Sweden has just started the first term of its new education to become an eSport professional. The prerequisites for the applicant were that he or she must have finished secondary school and can show experience as an eSport-player. The course is a 1-year-education with focus on Counterstrike. ⅓ are female participants after the school had put extra efforts to reach this target group, according to sr.se. The first goal of the education is to participate in Dreamhack in the city of Jönköping (southcentral part of Sweden) in November. This competition is the world’s biggest digital festival. eSports have grown with an extraordinary speed the past decade where the global eSports market generated US$325 million of revenue in 2015, while the audience globally was 226 million people. Source: Strömäck Community College and sr.se
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