Eye-tracking for learning – an adaptive experience

Eye-tracking for learning – an adaptive experience

Eye-Tracking For Learning – An Adaptive ExperienceListen to the story


The focus of adaptive learning (ALS) is to correlate with the learner’s learning style. Eye-tracking is here a core technology for a successful process. Both as the outcome is more qualitative and at the same time, it is direct and automatic. This in comparison to questionnaires that otherwise are used, which is a method that includes both physical and psychological obstacles, besides being time-consuming. Eye-tracking for learning helps to analyze several different skills areas, for instance:

An adaptive experience

  • Individual differences in information gathering.
  • Individual differences in problem-solving skills.
  • Individual differences in learning strategies.
  • Social interaction patterns from the teacher to the student.
  • Social interaction among students to support the learning process.
  • How different educational materials work.

Source: Tobii

Eye-tracking for learning – an example

A study from Padova University by Lucia Mason, Patrik Pluchino, and Maria Caterina Tornatora about the educational potential of eye‐tracking technology show interesting results. The study included in total 64, 7th graders, that was divided into two groups, where their strategic processing and learning from an illustrated text was reviewed. The results show that those with the opportunity to observe a model’s eye movements while reading an illustrated text show greater integrative processing in their own reading. They learn more deeply from the text as they showed greater integrative processing of text and pictures.

Source: BERA – British Journal of Information Technology

Written by
LarsGoran Bostrom©

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