eLearningworld Entrepreneurial News
In Stanford Social Innovation Review, Ben Mangan, Claire Markham and Kristiana Raube, all connected to Berkeley-Haas, identifies three ways for universities to become engines of social entrepreneurship. The platforms to build social enterprise, according to the authors, should include open doors to the classrooms of the voices of stakeholders. Meaning that it should work as a flipped classroom with focus on real life experience within the classroom. The second point is that the training of social entrepreneurs should be more prescriptive. By pushing harder on more challenging questions in order to target the mind and collaboration on the bigger social problems in the society. The last point is that the university should take on a more philanthropic approach where it transforms its role as a changemaker. In these efforts, MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are a very workable solution. On the Berkeley, Stanford, Harvard and Cornell platform free training is offered by instructors from the universities and if the student completes all the courses they earn a free certificates from Berkeley-Haas. Until now more than 225 000 students from 180 countries has enrolled in the courses. Read the full story on Source: Stanford Social Innovation Review
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