Taking on 21st Century Educational Challenges with EDInnovation Centres

Taking on 21st Century Educational Challenges with EDInnovation Centres

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At a ceremony, February 1, the Norwegian Minister of Education Torbjørn Røe Isaksen, opened two new centres to boost innovation in higher education and improve quality. The centres that are located in Trondheim are connected to the NORD University and are called Engage – Centre for Engaged Education through Entrepreneurship and EXcITEd – Excellent IT Education. EXcITEd will focus on to develop new methods for students to learn where the key words are involvement and activity. While the core of Engage Centre takes on the perspective of real-world changes, to identify the challenges and find innovative solutions by taking the role as transformation agent. Where the main purpose is to prepare students for the coming working life where e.g. entrepreneurship is crucial part. Engage and EXcITED are two of totally four new centres the others are CCSE – Center for Computing in Science Education and CEFIMA – Centre of Excellence in Film and Interactive Media Arts, at the University of Oslo and Lillehammer. Source: Press Release Government of Norway

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