Tag: <span>flipped classroom</span>

Tag: flipped classroom

Flipping the classroom, innovative Learning Hub shows the way

eLearningworld News The Arc is a new innovative learning hub equipped with the latest tools for flipping the classroom. It is now being launched by the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore (NTU Singapore) and includes 56 smart classrooms. In the flipped classroom students learn the course content online before class. …

Latest News: The benefits of flipping STEM Education

eLearningworld News from US Flipping the classroom for STEM education solves several problems that exist with traditional pedagogy for STEM. Stephanie Butler Velegol, instructor at Penn State College of Engineering explains: “It’s difficult for an engineering student to extract the technical information from a book on their own. Students need …

Latest News: Improves handwriting and writing skills by teaching robots

eLearningworld News from Switzerland How can engagement in learning be improved for unmotivated students? Researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) answer is flip the roles in the classroom and make the student teach, not the teacher, but a robot. The researchers based in Lausanne has from this …