Tag: <span>big data</span>

Tag: big data

Emerging Technologies and Trends to Impact Education – New EU Commission report

Listen to the story {Play} A new report has identified a number of emerging technologies and trends that have the potential to significantly impact education in the coming years. The report, which was published by the European Commission, highlights the importance of regulating technological innovation to allow diverse educational visions …

European Time Machine project to reinvent the past for the benefit of business

European Time Machine is one of six proposals that received funding in a large-scale research initiative from the European Commission. The project focus on using historical big data to design and visualise the historical development of cities across Europe. Amsterdam is one of many cities that now are following in …

Latest News: Wearables as an edtech device

eLearningworld News from US The Stanford aWEAR’16 is the first international wearables in learning and education conference. It took place between November 14-15 and focused on topics like, bridging the gap between humans and technology, wearable technology in the classroom, collecting and processing data about learning and learning context from …