Category: <span>Stories & News Service</span>

Category: Stories & News Service

Improve the quality of primary schools by liberating the stakeholders

Listen to the story {Play} The Danish government is launching a new initiative to improve the quality of primary schools by liberating pupils, teachers and school boards. The plan includes: More freedom and influence for school boards More freedom for schools to make decisions about their own curricula and teaching …

Luxembourg to Focus on Digitality and Wellbeing in New Basic Education Plan

Listen to the story {Play} Luxembourg’s new basic education plan, which is scheduled to come into force in 2026, will focus on digitality and wellbeing. The plan, which was unveiled this week, is the result of a vast consultation process with stakeholders in the education system. The new plan is …

Adapting Formal Education to Digital Society’s realities

Listen to the story {Play} The Minister of National Education, Children and Youth, Claude Meisch, presented the new features for the 2023/2024 school year. There are many new things happening in the Luxembourg formal education system for the 2023/2024 school year. Meisch said the following: “This return to school, the …

Norwegian investment in Artificial Intelligence Research

Listen to the story {Play} The Norwegian government is investing €120 million in digital technology and artificial intelligence research over the next five years. The goal is to ensure that Norway remains a leader in these fields and that the development of AI is aligned with Norwegian values. The research …

How Digital Pedagogy Can Improve Student Learning – latest news

Listen to the story {Play} A new study published in the journal “Educational Technology Research and Development”  has found that digital pedagogy can significantly improve student learning. The study, which was conducted by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, found that students who were taught using digital pedagogy scored …

Plans for a Fusion Plant – a new era of energy power solutions in Europe

Listen to the story {Play} The research of energy power from fusion began in the 1950s. It is a solution that has the potential to solve all energy power problems in a society without fossil fuels and an increasing need for more power in general. Until recently the great prospects …

Three Ministers about Artificial Intelligence: A mistake to turn back to pen and paper

Listen to the story {Play} Three Danish Ministers for research, education and digitization write that generative artificial intelligence like Chat GPT is excellent tools to transform the curriculum to become better adapted to the digital age. The article is a response to an opposition party in Denmark want to some …