Schoolwork mixed with practice increases motivation

Schoolwork mixed with practice increases motivation

Schoolwork Mixed With Practice Increases Motivation, According To New ReportRead It On Applenews Badge Rgb Us Uk

Vocational school students that participate in an education where they switch between the classroom and practical work are more motivated and learn more, according to a new research report. The pilot project started in 2014-15 with students of health care, construction, cars and service in Norway. The mixed curriculum also has shown other positive outcomes including an increased understanding between school and business.

The Norwegian Minister of Education, Jan Tore Sanner, comments in the following way. “Many of the students are satisfied and says that they learn more by working with concrete work tasks and that it is easier to understand what they learn at school. At the same time, we do not see the mixed curriculum as a solution for all students.” He is referring to students that as a 16-17-year-old not are prepared to meet an adult working life, as well as students with the lowest study motivation. Source: Press Release from the Government of Norway 

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