Robots empower student’s engagement to learn

Robots empower student’s engagement to learn

Robots Empower Student’s Engagement To Learn, New Research

Research from Michigan University shows that robot learning generally benefits remote students more than traditional videoconferencing. Where multiple students are displayed on a single screen. The result shows that using robots empower student’s engagement to learn. MSU’s College of Education started using robot learning in 2015. Where the robots are placed in a class with an integrated video screen that is controlled by the remote student. In this way, the student can communicate with others in the room and also move around within it.

Robots empower student’s engagement

Christine Greenhow, MSU associate professor of educational psychology and educational technology, explained the experience in the following way:

“It was such a benefit to have people individually embodied in robot form – I can look right at you and talk to you.”

The study mentioned above is published in the journal Online Learning. The added value of robot learning is that it is of great benefit for students with disabilities or are ill. To become a “robot learner” the student only have to download free software to their computer. 

Written by
LarsGoran Bostrom©

Author of the book “Learning Design in Practice for Everybody” and the founder of eLearningworld Europe AB. And also the developer of SOE (Storyteller on eLearningworld) – a new platform for integrated storytelling in interactive books, soon with augmented reality features.

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