Participation in further training increased during 2018

Participation in further training increased during 2018

TrainingThe Adult Education Survey (AES) 2018 shows that participation in further training increased in Germany last year with four percent. This means that more than half of all adults in Germany (54 percent) participated in at least one further training event. The focus of the Adult Education Survey (AES) assesses the continuing education behaviour of the population in the shadow of the digital transformation. 

Further training increased in groups with low continuing education participation

A special focus of further education funding of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research ( BMBF) is based on groups of people with low continuing education participation. This is groups like the unemployed, the low-skilled and people with a migrant background. Here the results of the AES 2018 show clear successes. For example, the participation of people with and without a migration background is on the same level for the first time. In particular, first-generation migrants are significantly more likely to attend continuing education than they were two years ago. The unemployed also showed positive development. Compared to 2016, the participation rate increased significantly by 22 percentage points to 49 percent.  

The result is based on 5800 interviews with persons over the age of 18. 


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