LifeLong Personalized Learning to fight technological unemployment

LifeLong Personalized Learning to fight technological unemployment

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Lifelong Personalized Learning To Fight Technological Unemployment

Personalized Learning

The term includes adaptive edtech to tailor lessons and assignments to individual students. In order to adapt education to the student’s personal learning style with a focus on the strengths and weaknesses. This thereby will give the possibility to refine individual talent and at the right level train the weak spots. In a speech to the Trade Union Congress in London, Andy Haldane that is Chief Economist at the Bank of England talked about the profound technological transformation that the world is going through today in a historical perspective, his words below gives wings to the future.

Technological unemployment

15 million jobs in the UK could be at risk during the coming decades because of the intense technological development, according to the Bank of England’s calculations. Robots and other forms of tech-services will be taking over especially many low-skills and low-wage-jobs. In this sense it fair to talk about a significant risk of an upcoming technological unemployment problem.

However, even though the idea that technological development puts people out of work and bears down on wages have been rhetorically used for centuries. Historical research shows that technological progress has not decreased the number of jobs and rather boosted wages. Every phase has eventually resulted in a “growing tree of rising skills, wages and productivity”. The key is to master the new technology, to acquire the skills and knowledge in order to actually benefit from it. As society transform accordingly to the technology improvements a new labour market is appearing. Where some of the answers to success may be found in new patterns of company ownership and new educational systems.

Mobility, lifelong learning and personalization

Darrel M. West writes in the Brookings Institution report:

“With the world moving towards robotics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, countries need to update their curricula in order to train students with new skills.”

Individual talent refinement and up to date knowledge and skills is some of the cornerstones of an educational environment that is adapted to the digital age. This makes mobile devices very essential for learning, which also improves the prospects of personalization of education. Darrel M. West writes:

“One of the virtues of mobile devices is that they make it possible to customize educational content for individual students. In most nations, teachers deal with classrooms of very diverse students. Pupils come from different backgrounds, have divergent interests, and learn in unique ways.”

In conclusion, it is real-time knowledge and skills that is distributed with adaptive edtech that form the bridge (often a mobile device) to successful learning and to be attractive on the labour market.

Written by
LarsGoran Bostrom©


Labour’s Share – speech by Andy Haldane

Brookings Research: Connected learning: How mobile technology can improve education 

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