eLearningworld News
The working life’s transformation driven by AI, robotics and other digital technologies is speeding up. In this spirit, the Norwegian Minister of Knowledge and Integration, Tore Sanner, is going on a competence tour around Norway. The purpose is to get new insights of the consequences of the transformation to a new reform for vocational training and lifelong learning that is adapted to the digital society’s prerequisites. Tore Sanner explains: “We will have a technological development where more people will fall outside. We should prepare for major transformations that will appear, and we should secure that everybody will be able to participate in the development. This means that we have to think in new ways.” This should also be seen in the light that only 45% of the workers between 22 and 66 years old have participated in a formal further education or other forms of work-related training the last year in Norway. The Norwegian working life monitor 2018 shows that especially digital competence is the area where the largest deficits exist. Source: Government of Norway
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