eLearningworld News from UK
Why would anybody work with us? How do we create an engaging environment? Professor Gareth Jones and Professor Rob Goffee at London Business School answer is DREAMS after conducted a survey among hundreds of professionals. The result was DREAMS that stands for: Difference – allowed to be unique, different perspectives is required for organisational success. Radical honesty – means complete transparency of what is happening in the organisation. Extra value – talent management and refinement of all employees is required. Authenticity – employees should have incitement to be proud to work in the organisation. Meaningfulness – the work tasks should make sense, the employee must know how their work contributes to the organisation. Simple rules – the KISS-rule (keep it simple stupid) is important also for the directives the employee should work after, the old command-centrals does not work. This forms the foundation of making the organisation’s DREAMS come true. Source: London Business School
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