eLearningworld News from Denmark
Denmark is no1 of the Nordic Countries when it comes to school ICT maturity. Now the final report has been published of a big research project with focus on how the use of ICT in primary school empowers pupils for the future society. The result shows that pupils that are using ICT often in school improve collaboration skills, is more critical to information and are better to transform new ideas to innovative solutions. The Danish Minister of Children, Education and Equality, Ellen Trane Nørby commenting the result in the following way: “IT is a natural part of many children’s daily lives. With IT the teachers has other possibilities to differentiate the teaching, and that gives the pupils competences, that they will use on a future labour market.” The research project is cooperation between Aalborg University and Aarhus University where 28 schools all over Denmark have participated. The main focus has been to improve practice of using ICT in primary school. Source: Ministry of Children, education and equality
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