Latest News: Research on why big Governmental ICT-projects too often fails

Latest News: Research on why big Governmental ICT-projects too often fails

Data-News-FlasheLearningworld News from the Netherlands and Norway

Exceeding the budget, not meeting the deadlines, not achieving the desired results or a combination is very common headaches of ICT-projects especially in the public sector, according to new research from Maastricht University.  According to PhD candidate Niels Groen, “these situations are the result of escalating commitment, whereby the costs already incurred are used to justify increased investment.” Only 39% of all ICT-projects in 2012 in the Netherlands met the budget and deadline requirements and achieved the desired results. The solution is taking smaller steps, according to Groen that will defend his dissertation on 18 June at Maastricht University. In Norway the government has acknowledged this problem, and announced in a press release yesterday that it will in future divide larger ICT-projects into several smaller projects. Since today 1 of 5 projects becomes double as expensive as it was expected when the budget was decided. Source: Maastricht University News and Press Release

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