How AI transform pedagogical models

How AI transform pedagogical models

How Ai Transform Pedagogical ModelsTwo areas where Artificial Intelligence will have a considerable impact on education is with its adaptive sequencing capabilities. The other is how AI transform pedagogical models.

The first means artificial intelligence that is embedded in content that help students learn in a self-directed manner. That improves the learning process. Both students and teachers will have access to all the data captured. Where the artificial intelligence-backed learner solutions personalizing learning pathways. The second is transforming and improving traditional pedagogical models, that with AI basically develops online models. This means e.g. a development from multiple-choice exercises with close-ended feedback to develop into providing feedback on open-ended questions and essays. This will also give the student possibilities to receive suggestions for improvements in her performance in real-time among many other things.

AI transform pedagogical models

Mark Esposito, Professor, Cambridge Judge Business School, writes as a background to such transformation:

“Take learning models. Many educational institutions are still focused on the “broadcast” model of learning in which the teacher is the broadcaster, and the student is the supposedly willing recipient of a one-way message. This model of learning is no longer relevant for a new generation of students who seek to actively take part themselves in the future of learning.”

Written by
LarsGoran Bostrom©

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