Sign of the time: more freedom for schools and focus on craftsmanship

Sign of the time: more freedom for schools and focus on craftsmanship

Sign Of The Time: More Freedom For Schools And Focus On CraftsmanshipThe Danish government is planning a proposal for more freedom for Read It On Applenews Badge Rgb Us Ukschools to manage their education and pedagogy. Besides pilot projects with self-governing schools, the new policy proposal also includes a more interdisciplinary approach to education. As well as to initiate a reading campaign. The Danish government also prioritised Vocational directed education. Where source analysis and English verbs increasingly should have the same status as customer service and robot technology in primary school. The Danish Minister of Education Merete Riisager comments in the following way:

“Primary school should create dreams directed on different fields and offer space to in addition to Danish and mathematics also try knowledge and skills for e.g. service, construction and mechanical principles.”

The proposal is funded with approx. €270 million. Where the purpose is to overbridge the gap between school education and the pupils future working life. In this way, primary school will become a more integrated part of lifelong learning. That during the recent decades has taken the place of the lifelong employment that was the role model of the industrial age.  

Sources: Undervisningsministeriet

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