Eye-tracking technology – A problem-solver

Eye-tracking technology – A problem-solver

Eye-Tracking Technology The Next Big Thing?
This is an updated version of the story!

The areas of use are many for eye-tracking technology, besides the augmented experience in games and other interactive applications, and the practical improvement of different human behavioural diagnoses like to discover dyslexia, assistive communication, market research, AR/VR, security system in vehicles, and research, etc. With Apple, Google, Tobii, Smarteye, and Microsoft in the lead, the market is taking off.

For instance research from the Swinburne University of Technology in Australia shows that eye-tracking technology can help reduce vehicle-drivers drowsiness. This should be seen in the light of that drowsiness is the direct cause of 20-30 percent of all motor vehicle accidents. Associate Professor Howard comments on the research in the following way:

“Normally during driving, we would be looking at hazards on the side of the road and hazards ahead in traffic but sleep deprivation impairs our ability to do this. Part of the reason for this is that your gaze becomes more random than planned and part of it is to do with eye closure.”

Besides the areas of use mentioned above the next question is how this technology can be used in education. Today, it is mostly used as an equalizer for people with different disabilities. To make them able to participate in education on more equal terms, which is very important. But there is also a lot of more general applications for the educational sector that still waiting to be discovered. This will be explored in part 2 of this story.

Written by
LarsGoran Bostrom©

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