Today, Octobre 2 2018, the ministers of finance of the EU member states have decided that digital, streaming and downloadable books including audiobooks are allowed to have a reduced VAT-level like the traditional printed book within the EU. This is a victory for freedom of speech and whole book market and its readers, which means that a story is a story whatever format it is published in, and same goes with textbooks for education etc. At the same time, the Swedish public libraries have reached a deal with a new distributor of ebooks including a new business model. It is the global distributor Overdrive that in cooperation with the Swedish ebook and audio distributor Publit that in the coming years will distribute ebooks to the Swedish public libraries. The new model “One Copy, One User” is similar to the distribution model of the printed book. The libraries buy a book and can then borrow it 26 times, whereafter the licence must be renewed, after the principle one copy, one user. Source: Press release from Publit and Svenska förläggarföreningen
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