After broadcasting media – #FridayInspiration

After broadcasting media – #FridayInspiration

After Broadcasting Media - #Fridayinspiration

“I must say I find television very educational.
The minute somebody turns it on,
I go to the library and read a good book.”

Groucho Marx

Still, broadcasting media, like TV, have a huge impact on society. A form of media that can be defined as force-fed information to passive viewers.  This in sharp contrast to other forms of media where activity is required and the user gives time to reflect and act. For example, a book is a friend and a guide to reflect upon, instead of a commander. Or an interactive book that both are a friend and an activating guide to empower your personal development, skills and knowledge etc,

The post After broadcasting media – #FridayInspiration that appeared first on B-InteraQtive Publishing.

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